Sunday, February 2, 2025  
Head Office Contact Persons:

Sr.No. Name & Designation Office Address Phone No. Branch Email ID
  I. Economic Adviser to Govt. Punjab
1. Sh. Mohan Lal Sharma (Economic Adviser) Vit te Yojana Bhawan, Plot No. 2B, Sector 33-A ,CHD 0172-2660137(O)
Head of Department despunjabchd[at]gmail[dot]com
  II. Director
1. Sh. Parminder Singh Walia, Vit te Yojana Bhawan, Plot No. 2B, Sector 33-A ,CHD 0172-2660138(O)
Admn./Compilation/Field Operation/RTI ddoesopb[at]gmail[dot]com
  III. Joint Director
1. Sh. Harvinder Singh Vit te Yojana Bhawan, Plot No. 2B, Sector 33-A ,CHD 0172-2660216(O)
MPLADS/SSSP/Evaluation & Monitoring jdesoharvinder[at]yahoo[dot]in
2. Sh. Jagdeep Singh Vit te Yojana Bhawan, Plot No. 2B, Sector 33-A ,CHD 0172-2600209(O)
State Income/Rajiv Awaas Yojna (USHA)/Industrial Statistics/Department Budget & Contengency jagdeep1966[at]rediffmail[dot]com
3. Smt. Kuldeep Kaur Vit te Yojana Bhawan, Plot No. 2B, Sector 33-A ,CHD 0172-2660182(O)
Census of Employees/Public Finance/Municipal Statistics/Economic Census kuldeep[dot]eso[at]gmail[dot]com
   IV. Dy. E.S.A.
1. Rakesh Kalia Vit te Yojana Bhawan, Plot No. 2B, Sector 33-A ,CHD 0172-2660061(O) MPLADS/SSSP/Evaluation & Monitoring dyesampladschd[at]gmail[dot]com
2. Davinder Kumar Vit te Yojana Bhawan, Plot No. 2B, Sector 33-A ,CHD 99140-52826(M) N.S.S./Twenty Point Programme/Prices dk_ro64[at]yahoo[dot]in
  V. RO
1. Meena Rani Vit te Yojana Bhawan, Plot No. 2B, Sector 33-A ,CHD 94636-54637 State Income/Rajiv Awaas Yojna (USHA)/Industrial Statistics meenaraniro[at]gmail[dot]com
2. Miury Bhatia Vit te Yojana Bhawan, Plot No. 2B, Sector 33-A ,CHD 98760-66358 Census of Employees/Public Finance/Municipal Statistics/Economic Census publicfinanceeso[at]yahoo[dot]com
3. Sarbjit Kaur Vit te Yojana Bhawan, Plot No. 2B, Sector 33-A ,CHD 96461-69372 Compilation/Field Operation/RTI compilationeso[at]gmail[dot]com
Link to Contact details of Field Office Persons

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