Sunday, February 2, 2025  
About Us

With the advent of the era of economic planning and development, the State Govt. created a statistical office headed by the Economic & Statistical Advisor in 1949 to cater to the statistical needs of the state. The Board of Economic inquiry too became a part and parcel of this office in 1953.Similarly, Board of Economic inquiry/bureau of Economic and Statistics was created in 1949/1950 in erstwhile Pepsu State. With the merger of Punjab and Pepsu in 1956,the present Economic & Statistical Organisation (E.S.O) came into being. With the passage of time and extention of more developmental and planned activities, the E.S.O. was strengthened.

Economic and Statistical Organisation, Punjab makes a major contribution in strengthening the data base of the State and has been declared Nodal Agency since 8.4.2003 for effective coordination of statistical activities of all the departments and create common statistical cadre in Punjab. The Statistical needs of private sector are also met by this Organisation. The Planners, Research scholars, social thinkers and administrators heavily draw upon the statistical information available with this Department. The data collected by the Organisation highlight the level of socio-economic development of the State. This data helps in formulation and evaluation of Development Programmes of state and identifies different bottlenecks in these programmes for taking corrective measures for proper development of the state.

Administrative setup
The Organisation is headed by Economic Adviser who is assisted by Directors, Joint Directors, Deputy Economic and Statistical Advisers, Research Officers and Assistant Research Officers. All the Directors and Joint Directors work directly under the guidance and supervision of Economic Adviser.

The Organisation has 17 sections including establishment section at the State Head Quarter. There is a District Statistical Office in each district of the State headed by Dy. Economic & Statistical Adviser. The establishment section manages the human resource administration and is manned by superintendents, senior assistants, clerks and typists. Other 16 sections are engaged in data based & research oriented technical work. The Directors, Joint Directors and Deputy Economic and Statistical Advisers provide tips of desired guidance in day to day research work on matters relating to Economics and Statistics. The Research Officers and Assistant Research Officers are mainly responsible for analysis and interpretation of data whereas collection and compilation work is done by Investigators and Statistical Assistants.

Design & Developed by Centre For Development Of Advanced Computing, Mohali © 2008